wiki tags


There are several built in <wiki tags. The format of the wiki tags are;


Some commands require parameters and some don't. When you edit a page, just include a wiki tag for the desired effect. Here is a list of some interesting wiki tags;

  • <wiki insertlinks "regular-expression"> inserts a list of topics in the current area that match the regular-expression in the first parameter. All other parameters are ignored.
  • <wiki insertareas "regular-expression"> inserts a list of the areas on this wiki that match the regular expression.
  • <wiki freshmeat> Scoops the headlines from freshmeat and makes a link box similar to inserttags.
  • <wiki slashdot> Scoops the news headlines from slashdot and makes a link box similar to inserttags.
  • <wiki scripturl> inserts the URL to the area script.
  • <wiki topic> inserts the current topic name.
  • <wiki web> inserts the current area name.
  • <wiki mode> inserts the current mode.
  • <wiki authors username username ...> With this tag on a page, only the usernames listed can edit the page.
  • <wiki user> inserts the name of the current user.
  • <wiki file FILENAME> inserts a link to the specified file. You need to upload the file to this area for this to work.
  • <wiki image FILENAME> inserts an inline image. You need to upload the image to this area for this to work.
  • <wiki pagetitle> Similar to topic except the underscores are converted to spaces.
  • <wiki insertvertlinks> similar to inserttags, but with no tables.
  • <wiki inserthorizlinks> Similar to insertvertlinks but in a horizontal format.
  • <wiki bodycolor> Inserts the variable $bodycolor. This is the default <body bgcolor=> value used if the default templates.
  • <wiki tablecolor> Inserts the variable $tablecolor. This is the value that the default templates use for head and sidebar color.
  • <wiki notify "emailaddr" "emailaddr"> Notifies the listed email addresses of any edits to that page. Note that the addresses have to be quoted.
  • <wiki includepage topic optionalarea> includes the selected topic. Be carefull not to include the current page or you'll get in a loop.
  • <wiki editor> inserts the name of the last person to edit the topic.
  • <wiki modified> inserts the date of the topic's last modification.
  • <wiki comments> inserts all of the comments for the current topic.
  • <wiki nocomment> Disallows the posting of comments. If you put this in an area browse template (or view template if you're using them), then this will disallow comments anywhere in that area.

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